We are a small Presbyterian congregation dedicated to worshiping God on the Lord’s Day (Sunday) as He has commanded. God is passionate about how He is worshiped, and He has made it clear through Scripture how we should approach Him. Our goal is to align our worship with His Word, and each week we gather to hear God’s Word through reading and preaching, see God’s Word through the sacraments of baptism and the Lord’s Supper, sing God’s Word through the Psalms and biblically-rich hymns from the Trinity Psalter Hymnal, and pray God’s Word together. In everything we do, we ask the Holy Spirit to guide us in engaging with God’s Word deeply and sincerely. Our weekly worship is a time to glorify God, receive His grace, grow as disciples of Christ, and advance His Kingdom through our words and actions. We also embrace a unique aspect of our worship: our children join us in the service. We believe the Lord’s Day is a time for covenant renewal, and our children are treasured members of God’s covenant community—Jesus welcomes them to come and see. We invite you to worship with us in joy, reverence, and awe before our Triune God.

What We Value

The Headship of Christ

Christ the King rules His Church by His Word and Spirit. Our vision is to submit wholeheartedly to His vision and mission for His Church. We seek to be faithful to the Scriptures and obedient to the Great Commission (Matthew 28). We want to become more mature disciples grounded in the “whole counsel of God” (the whole Bible) and bring the Good News of Jesus Christ to the unbelieving through word and deed.

As a Presbyterian church, we believe that our church isn’t an island

We value our connectedness to the Presbyterian Church in America at the regional level (West Hudson Presbytery) and also at the national level.

As a Reformed church, we value our connectedness to those who have gone before us

Scripture alone is the only rule for our faith and practice, but we also subscribe to the Westminster Confession of Faith and the Catechisms as our subordinate standards. We believe that the Westminster Standards are accurate and faithful interpretations of the major teachings of Scripture. Jesus’ promise to the church, “I will be with you always to the end of the age”, doesn’t just apply to the church of the present, but He has been with the church of the past. So we value the wisdom and insights of our spiritual parents, and seek to grow in our love and understanding of God’s Word as we stand on their shoulders.

We value our covenant children

We encourage and equip our parents, as the primary spiritual nurturers, to be faithful to the vows they made when their children were baptized (to teach them the content of our faith; to pray with and for them; to set godly examples for them; to worship with them). As a church we come alongside the parents in partnership as we seek the advance of God’s work in our children’s lives. Every week the pastor tries his best to communicate to our children in intelligible ways, and we also rely on their parents to explain the portions of worship that the children don’t yet understand.

We value Christ’s mission on earth

Every week, we pray during the Lord’s Day worship, “Thy Kingdom come.” We are praying persistently that Christ’s Kingdom of grace will be “advanced and ourselves and others brought into it and kept in it.” One way we express our commitment to Christ’s mission is by supporting various pastors, missionaries, and tentmakers with our prayers and finances (Mission to the World, Japan; Mission to the World, Southeast Asia; inner city work in Queens, NJ; Reformed University Fellowship in New Brunswick, NJ).

We value the communion of the saints

We who are united with Christ partake in His sufferings, death, resurrection, and glory. We are also united with one another and enjoy deep communion with one another in our gifts and graces. In addition to the Lord’s Day worship service, we meet weekly in our small group to pray, serve, and fellowship with one another.

We value the Lord’s Day

In a special way, the Lord gives us on this day true rest and a foretaste of the New Heaven and the New Earth. On this day we say “no” to the things we usually say “yes” to (e.g. work) in order to say “yes” and make room for the spiritual banquet that our Host prepares for us. It’s a joyful and rejuvenating day of worship, hospitality, mercy, and Christrian fellowship. After the worship service we meet to pray, sing, study, and break bread in our members’ homes and before the worship service we offer Sunday School classes that are age-appropriate. We invite you to come spend the Lord’s Day with us.

Good News Church

Nurturing covenant families in Jesus' mission, faith, and discipleship.

Get in touch:


Worship at 10:30amSunday school at 9:30am


The Wilberforce School75 Mapleton RoadBuilding 2, Room 217Princeton, NJ 08540

©2025 ⸻ All rights reserved.